IC3 Winter Retreat 2020
December 7-8, 2020 Virtual!

IC3 hosted our Fall/Winter 2020 Retreat on December 7th and 8th to showcase the cutting-edge blockchain research conducted by IC3 members and to provide opportunities for collaboration!

We took this partial group picture at the end of the Town Hall session.

The event featured an exciting schedule, including talks by IC3 faculty, students, partners, and invited guests. Talks were given via Zoom and focused around four themes:

After each session of talks, speakers and attendees met to discuss their work in small groups on Gather.Town to facilitate the cross-campus and industry-academia collaborations for which IC3 is known.

The retreat also featured a panel on "The Broken Fee Market" led by Phil Daian, a town hall focused on the next big thing in blockchain led by Patrick McCorry, and ample networking opportunities!

Our schedule highlighted common research areas within IC3 and hot topics in blockchain.

Thanks to our technical commitee of Surya Bakshi, Tyler Kell, and Patrick McCorry; and to Jim Ballingall, Veronica VanCleave-Seeley, and Sarah Allen for their work putting together this event!

If you are an IC3 member and would like access to the session recordings from this event, please reach out to Sarah Allen, IC3's Community Manager, at sarahallen@cornell.edu.